Comet Chasing in December

Comet chasing is the visual observation of telescopic comets.  Jump to:  Observing synopses    Summary data    Buy me a Coffee 

This month there is one comet visible in binoculars, one visible in small telescopes, and two visible in 6-inch or larger telescopes (from a dark site). See the Observing Synopses for which comets are visible from your latitude, the best dates and the time of night.

Comets that have apparently disintegrated: C/2024 S1 (ATLAS), C/2022 S3 (PANSTARRS), C/2021 P4 (ATLAS), C/2020 Q1 (Borisov), C/2020 P1 (NEOWISE), and C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS). Beware that various other sources often fail to keep track of whether or not a comet still exists!

Comet Visibility in the Eyepiece

When you read below that a particular aperture is required to see a comet you can have a reasonable degree of confidence that the comet can in fact be seen in the eyepiece. 


This page uses code developed for SkyTools to predict the visibility of a comet.  Predicting how much aperture is required to see a comet is a very complex task. The magnitude alone is a very poor predictor.  SkyTools considers the magnitude, coma diameter, degree of concentration of the comet, based on recent observations.The predictions are made for a Country/Suburban site, which is approximately Bortle 5, unless indicated otherwise. But always remember, comets are like cats. They both have tails and do what they want, and not always what we expect. This is one of the things that makes comet chasing interesting! 

Observing Synopses for December

Explanation of Comet Synopses and charts (read this if you have questions)

C/2024 G3 (ATLAS): A southern hemisphere morning comet visible in binoculars
This comet begins the month in Lupus at magnitude 10.1. Look for a 1' coma, condensation is a diffuse spot in coma center; moderately condensed. It should brighten rapidly, moving into Scorpius by month's end. The best visibility is late in the month as seen from the southern hemisphere.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible  
40o N Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible  
Equator Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Very low in the eastern sky during morning twilight at ~05:20 17-
30o S Not visible Not visible Not visible Very low in the eastern sky during morning twilight at ~04:00 Very low in the eastern sky during morning twilight at ~04:10 1-

C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS): An evening comet visible in small telescopes
This comet begins the month in Aquila at magnitude 9.1. Look for a 2.5' coma, condensation is a diffuse spot in coma center; moderately condensed. It should fade by about 1.4 magnitudes by month's end.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~17:30 Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~17:30 Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~17:30 Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~17:30 Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~17:30 1-
40o N Fairly high during evening twilight at ~18:00 Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~18:00 Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~18:00 Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~18:00 Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~18:00 1-
Equator Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~18:50 Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~19:00 Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~19:00 Not visible Not visible 1-23
30o S Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible 1-2

333P/LINEAR: A northern hemisphere morning comet visible in a 6-inch (15 cm) telescope at a dark site, or a 18-inch (46 cm) under a country sky
This comet begins the month in Canes Venatici at magnitude 11.6. Look for a 2.5' coma, center much brighter than edges, though still diffuse. It should fade by about 1.2 magnitudes, moving into Cygnus by month's end.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N High during morning twilight at ~05:50 High during morning twilight at ~06:00 High during morning twilight at ~06:20 High during evening twilight at ~17:50 High during evening twilight at ~17:50 1-
40o N High during morning twilight at ~05:30 High during morning twilight at ~05:40 Fairly high during morning twilight at ~05:50 High during evening twilight at ~18:10 High during evening twilight at ~18:20 1-
Equator Fairly high during morning twilight at ~04:40 Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible 1-7
30o S Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible  

29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann: A morning comet visible in a 6-inch (15 cm) telescope at a dark site, or an 8-inch (20 cm) under a country sky
This comet begins the month in Leo at magnitude 12.1. Look for a 1.5' coma, condensation is a diffuse spot in coma center; moderately condensed. It should brighten slowly overall, but will likely fade after the recent outburst.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N High at ~05:30 High at ~05:00 High during morning twilight at ~06:10 High in moonlight at ~04:00 High at ~03:40 1-
40o N High during morning twilight at ~05:30 High at ~05:00 High during morning twilight at ~05:50 High in moonlight at ~04:10 High at ~03:40 1-
Equator High during morning twilight at ~04:30 High at ~04:30 High during morning twilight at ~04:50 High in moonlight at ~04:10 High at ~03:40 1-
30o S High during morning twilight at ~03:30 High during morning twilight at ~03:20 High during morning twilight at ~03:40 High during morning twilight at ~03:20 High during morning twilight at ~03:30 1-

C/2022 E2 (ATLAS): A northern hemisphere evening comet visible in an 8-inch (20 cm) telescope at a dark site, or a 24-inch telescope under a country sky
This comet begins the month in Camelopardalis at magnitude 12.8. Look for a 1' coma, center much brighter than edges, though still diffuse. It should fade slowly, moving into Cassiopeia by month's end.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N High at ~00:10 High at ~23:00 Not visible High at ~20:50 High at ~20:00 1-
40o N High at ~00:10 High at ~23:00 Not visible High at ~20:50 High at ~20:00 1-
Equator Not visible Not visible Not visible Fairly high in the northern sky at ~20:50 Fairly high in the northern sky at ~20:00 1-
30o S Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible  

C/2024 M1 (ATLAS): A morning comet visible in a 16-inch (41 cm) telescope at a dark site
This comet begins the month in Orion at magnitude 14.8. Look for a 35" coma, condensation is like a star that cannot be focused; strongly condensed. It should fade by about 0.7 magnitudes, moving into Perseus by month's end.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N High at ~00:50 High at ~23:50 Not visible High at ~21:50 High at ~20:50 1-12, 15-
40o N High at ~00:50 High at ~23:50 Not visible High at ~21:50 High at ~20:50 1-12, 15-
Equator High at ~00:50 High at ~23:50 Not visible High at ~21:50 High at ~20:50 1-
30o S High at ~00:50 High at ~23:50 Not visible Fairly high in the northern sky at ~21:50 Fairly high in the northern sky at ~20:50 1-

C/2023 C2 (ATLAS): An evening comet visible in a 24-inch telescope at a dark site
This comet begins the month in Sagittarius at magnitude 13.8. Look for a 30" coma, diffuse condensation at center. It should fade slowly, moving into Capricornus by month's end.  FINDER CHART
Latitude Visibility November 30 Visibility December 7 Visibility December 14 Visibility December 21 Visibility December 28 Nights Visible
55o N Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible  
40o N Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~17:50 Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible 1-6
Equator Fairly high in the western sky during evening twilight at ~19:00 Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~19:00 Not visible Not visible Not visible 1-13, 15-16
30o S Low in the western sky during evening twilight at ~20:00 Not visible Not visible Not visible Not visible 1-5

Summary Data for This Month's Telescopic Comets

Comets brighter than 16th magnitude.  This table is updated as necessary. The last column indicates the date of the last observation used to compute these values.  The constellation listed is where the comet was on the first of the month.
Comet Constellation

December 1st

December 15th

December 31st

Observations as of (UT)
Mag Diam Mag Diam Mag Diam
C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) Aquila 9.1 2.3' 9.9 2.0' 10.6 1.7' 2024 December 1
C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) Lupus 10.1 45" 8.6 53" 5.5 1.2' 2024 November 28
13P/Olbers Ophiuchus 10.9 2.7' 11.3 2.6' 11.6 2.5' 2024 October 20
333P/LINEAR Canes Venatici 11.6 2.2' 11.6 2.4' 12.8 1.5' 2024 December 1
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann Leo 12.1 1.5' 12.0 1.6' 11.9 1.6' 2024 December 1
C/2022 E2 (ATLAS) Camelopardalis 12.8 1.1' 12.9 1.1' 13.0 1.0' 2024 October 29
12P/Pons-Brooks Lupus 13.3? 4.2'? 13.6? 4.1'? 13.8? 4.0'? 2024 September 30
C/2024 B1 (Lemmon) Corona Borealis 13.8 1.1' 14.1 1.1' 14.4 1.0' 2024 November 1
C/2023 C2 (ATLAS) Sagittarius 13.8? 32"? 13.9? 30"? 14.0? 29"? 2024 September 5
37P/Forbes Sagittarius 14.1 48" 14.5 46" 15.1 43" 2024 November 28
C/2021 G2 (Atlas) Libra 14.5? 47"? 14.4? 48"? 14.4? 49"? 2024 August 29
C/2024 M1 (ATLAS) Orion 14.8 37" 14.9 36" 15.5 29" 2024 November 30
C/2022 N2 (PANSTARRS) Aquarius 15.0 36" 15.1 35" 15.1 33" 2024 November 22
C/2020 V2 (ZTF) Pavo 15.2? 52"? 15.3? 50"? 15.4? 49"? 2024 August 30
487P/SidingSpring Perseus 15.3 29" 15.6 26" 16.0 23" 2024 November 30
C/2019 U5 (PANSTARRS) Puppis 15.5 48" 15.5 48" 15.6 47" 2024 November 1
C/2022 QE78 (ATLAS) Monoceros 15.6 33" 15.5 34" 15.4 34" 2024 November 22
C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) Orion 15.6 1.0' 15.7 1.0' 15.8 1.0' 2024 September 22
C/2021 S3 (PANSTARRS) Cygnus 15.8 45" 16.1 43" 16.4 40" 2024 September 27
472P/NEAT-LINEAR Monoceros 16.0 42" 16.0 42" 16.0 42" 2024 November 28
C/2024 J2 (Wierzchos) Hercules 16.0 48" 15.8 49" 15.5 51" 2024 November 4
C/2023 H5 (Lemmon) Coma Berenices 16.2 44" 16.1 47" 15.9 49" 2024 November 29
*In solar conjunction and generally not visible *In solar conjunction and generally not visible 

For information about specific comets see Gary W. Kronk's Cometography 

Further reading: see Comet Chasing, Sky & Telescope, April 2005, pg. 83.

Make your own visual observing custom charts for your location and telescope/binoculars: Software for visual comet observing 

Select comets that are appropriate for your imaging system, and plan when they are best imaged: Software for comet imaging 


Skyhound's Guide to Comets
Skyhound's Guide to Finding Comets
BAA Comet Section
Weekly Information About Bright Comets